A clinical testing and claim support laboratory in New City, New York, AMA Laboratories, Inc., has extensive experience in the testing of health, beauty, personal care, and over-the-counter drug products. AMA Laboratories, Inc., supports several charities, including Children of the Night.
Dedicated to protecting the welfare of children who’ve suffered from sexual exploitation, Children of the Night provides skilled caseworkers to help young sex trafficking victims 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The services include helping young victims escape pimps and giving them access to health and transportation services.
In addition, Children of the Night offers an online tutoring program called Without Walls that helps prepare exploited young people for the high school equivalency exam. Often, young sex trafficking victims find attending school difficult because of the trauma they’ve experienced. Providing these young people with a path forward can help them permanently escape prostitution. Find more information or to seek help, call 1-800-551-1300.